# Neuroscience


The Neuroscience of Habit Formation: How to Build Lasting Healthy Behaviours

Sep 22, 2024

Discover how to build lasting healthy habits using neuroscience. Learn 4 proven strategies: self-regulation, consistent tasks, rewards, and friction. Transform your behavior with brain-based techniques

Solving the riddle of what makes doomscrolling so addictive - The science of brainrot

Sep 20, 2024

Discover the hidden mechanisms behind social media addiction. Learn how algorithms exploit your brain's neurobiology, distort time perception, and keep you scrolling. Uncover strategies to break free from the digital matrix and reclaim your time

The effects of exercise on brain health and cognitive performance: a comprehensive review of current evidence

Sep 19, 2024

Explore the latest evidence on how exercise impacts brain health and cognitive performance across the lifespan. This comprehensive review examines aerobic and resistance training effects, neurobiological mechanisms, and implications for public health and clinical practice.

Effect of nicotine on motivation

Aug 1, 2024

Does nicotine actually help you to focus? Placebo, or just a degenerate dopamine release tool? Every question answered!