

You Don’t Need More Courses, You Need Accountability.

Stop spending thousands of dollars on gurus or coaches reselling the same recycled programs. You probably already know what to do to achieve success, we help you uncover it, develop the required skills, and execute your vision

Modern Humans are attention limited and not information limited

Just 20 years ago the primary way to obtain knowledge was through books and obscure publications. Often, books had to be shipped from other libraries and other countries, taking weeks or months just for a page of new information.
Nowadays information is freer than ever. There are countless books, videos, podcasts from successful founders, artists, musicians and scientists. Why are there are more courses than ever?
The answer is that absorbing information is easy, execution is the hard part. More information means that there are more distractions, dead ends and spam out there.
The real problem today is:
  • Information Overload: Instagram, Twitter, courses – you're drowning in content.
  • Attention Scarcity: Distractions are everywhere, derailing your focus and progress.
  • Execution Gap: You subconsciously know what you want and need to do what to do, but making it happen feels impossible.

XZQT IT: Your Launchpad To Help Execute Your Dreams

We don't sell you more information. We provide the tools, community, and accountability you need to execute on your dreams.
Actionable Research
Actionable Research
Get updates on highest quality scientific findings, distilled into practical strategies
Connect with others on similar journeys, share insights, and stay accountable
Practical Tools
Practical Tools
Cutting-edge apps and resources designed to boost productivity and practise specific skills
We guide you through a comprehensive, tool-powered process to transform your dreams into reality:
  • Vision to Action: Clarify your goals, receive personalised tools, and create strategic roadmaps to break down your grand vision into manageable steps.
  • Performance Optimisation: Master your focus, track progress with data-driven insights, and synergise our suite of tools to amplify both productivity and social skills.
  • Community and Growth: Apply enhanced capabilities to real-world projects, collaborate with like-minded achievers, and stay updated with curated research and tool refinements.
Your journey with XZQT IT isn't just about setting goals—it's about bringing your unique vision to life, step by exciting step. Our tool-centric approach becomes your personal success engine, transforming your ambitions into tangible achievements.


How is xzqt.it different from other platforms?
We focus on execution, not just information. Our unique blend of practical tools, community support, and accountability features is designed to help you take action, not just learn more
Is xzqt.it suitable for any type of goal?
Yes! Whether you're starting a business, writing a book, or improving your health, our tools and community can adapt to support your specific dreams and goals. We put a higher focus on improving your motivation, as well as social skills, relationship skills and public speaking skills, as those are extremely important for any goal.
How soon can I expect to see results?
Results depend on your commitment and the nature of your goals. However, many members report feeling more focused and making tangible progress within the first month of active participation.
Is this all free?
Yes! Most of our resources and tools are all free. If you want to go the extra mile and turbo-charge your dreams, book a 1 on one session with Almaz, via one of our targeted programs such as this, or email at: hello@xzqt.it

Ready to Move the Needle on Your Dreams?

Be the best you.